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Profit and Loss

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A shopkeeper buys an article at ` 12000 and spends 10% of cost price as a transport. He marked price 20% above the price at which he buy and sells at mark marked price, find his profit percent.

21 Answers

Selling price = 1.2 x 12000 = 14400

Cost price = 1.1 x 12000 = 13200

Profit = 14400 - 13200 =1200

Profit % = (1200/13200) x 100 =300/33 =100/11 = 9  1/11 %

Answer is b


A dishonest dealer claims to sell a product at its cost price . He uses a counterfeit weight which is 20% less than the real weight . Further he added 20% impurities to the product . Find the net profit percentage of the dealer ! 

Hello Tarishi , 

Assume 100g costs 100 and adds 20% impurity 

100g will become 120g

now instead of using 100 gm weigh he is using 80 gm weight 

so 100g weight using counterfeit weight becomes (120/ 80 ) x 100 = 150 . 

Hence profit percentage => 50% 


Dev bought 100 kg rice for RS 1100 and sold it at a loss of as much money as he received for 20kg of rice. At what price did he sell the rice?

Hello Richa 

We know , 

Selling Price = Cost Price - Loss 

Hence , SP of 100 kg = CP of 100 kg - SP of 20 kg 

SP of 120 kg = CP of 100 kg 

SP : CP = 10 : 12 

Hence SP of 100 kg rice = 10 x 1100/12 

or Rs  55/6 per kg 


let diameter of can be 10 and h be 1 


v= 10*10*1= 100kg


v=9*9*1 =81 kg

now let 1 kg = 1 rs.

earlier we were selling 100kg for 100rs

now we will sell 81 kg for 100 rs 

means c.p =81 

s.p =100 

profit % =(19/81)*100 =23.47 (aprox)

earlier we were having zero profit now 23.47 so change =23.47


The previous profit percentage is not known, so we cannot calculate the increase in profit percentage. 

Hence , Option D


A dishonest shopkeeper cheats at the time of purchasing by 20% and at the time of selling by 35% using wrong weights and sells at the cost price.find his profit % 

Is it 84.6% ? 

Make a cheating of 20% while buying item means while buying he brought item worth Rs 120 in Rs. 100

Now at the time of selling he cheats 35% . So he sells item worth Rs 120 in price of 120 x (100/65) =Rs  184.6 

hence profit percentage becomes : 84.6% . 


One year payment to a servant is rs. 200 and one shirt. The servant leaves after 9 months and recieves Rs. 120 and a shirt. find the price of the shirt.

a. 80

b. 100

c. 120

d. Can't be determined

Let the price of the shirt be x . 


Total yearly income = 200 + x.

Monthly = (200 + x)/12

9 months income  = [(200 + x)/12] ×  9


Now , 
120 + x = [(200 + x)/12] × 9

x = 120 . 

Alternate Approach : 


Loss of ₹80  in 3 months so in  12 months => ₹320 

Contract is 200 + shirt.  

So Shirt = 320 - 200 = ₹120 


Deb ought 100kg of rice for Rs. 1100 and sold it at a loss of as much money as he received for 20kg of rice. At what price did he sell the rice?

a. 10.20

b. 10

c. 9.16

d. 9

Same question has been posted earlier... Got the solution...thanks!


PFA the solution



solution please! 

Let label price be 100

Trader gets 19% discount so c.p for him =81 

Apply m.p/c.p= (100+profit)/(100-discount)

Profit= 20% discount=10% 

M.p/81= 120/90

M.p= 108 

So 8% above label price option b is correct


solution please! 

Send another image rs. Are not visible 

PFA. Please provide the solution for the same. 

find the solution in discussion of 22nd question


solution please. 


Please provide the solution for question 24 and question 27. 


previously scale was 100( assumed value) now it becomes 125 let price of 1 unit =1rs

he is giving 125 unit and getting the price for 100 unit { cp for him=125,sp=100}

loss=(25/125)*100=20%          (it can be treated as discount)

he gives discount 10% 

successive discount of 20% and 10% =28% 

apply mp/cp=(100+profit)/(100-discount)

let cp=100x



so 50% above cp     

27h answer is 10% ?


Solution to the 27th Question : 

let 100 items cost 100

Rajesh will take away 110 items 

Hence , CP of Rakesh => 110 

Marked price for Rajesh : 100 x 121/90

SP : 100 x 121 /90 x 90/100 = 121 

Percentage profit : ( 121 - 110)/110 x 100 = 10% 


When a producer allows 36% commission on the retail price of his product  he earns a profit of 8.8% . What would be his profit % if the commission is reduced by 24% ?

This post was modified 6 years ago by Richa Malhotra

Answer is 49.6 ?


yes sir , could you give the explanation as well ?

Treat commission as the discount he will give and apply mp/cp= (100+profit)/(100-discount)

In first case p=8.08 and commission is 36 

Mp/cp= 108.8/64 

In 2nd case commission reduces by 24 means it becomes 12 and ratio of mp/cp remains same so

108.8/64=(100+new profit)/88

100+ new profit=149.6

New profit= 49.6


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