
A family of eight members – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H – consists of three couples. There are three generations in the family. They form four groups of two members each and decide to go on foreign tour in four different countries – Canada, USA, UK and France.
(i) A is the grandfather of one of the male members who is going to the USA.
(ii) Both members of a group have decided to visit the same country and each couple forms a group.
(iii) H, female, is married to E, who is going to the UK.
(iv) B and D form a group, and agree to go to the USA after showing stiff resistance not to go to the
(v) E’s mother-in-law is mother of C, who is the father of B and brother of H.
(vi) D is unmarried and niece of C.
(vii) Oldest member of the family is going to Canada.

1. How is F related to C?
(1) Wife (2) Mother (3) Daughter (4) Cannot be determined

2. How many male members are there in the family?
(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 2

3. Which of the following groups goes to the UK?
(1) C and F (2) A and G (3) H and E (4) B and D

4. How is D related to E?
(1) Son (2) Daughter (3) Niece (4) Nephew

5. How many children does A have?
(1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 2 (4) 4

6. Which of the following persons goes to France?
(1) C (2) D (3) E (4) H

7. What is the relation between B and H in that order?
(1) Nephew and Aunt (2) Niece and Aunt (3) Brother and Sister (4) Grandson and Grandmother


  1. 1. (4) CBD
    2. (2) 4
    3. (3) H &E
    4. (3) Niece
    5. (3) 2
    6. (1) C
    7. (1) Nephew and Aunt

  2. Pawan kumar

    1 option 1st
    2 option 2nd
    3 option3rd
    4 option 2nd
    5 option 3rd
    6 option 1st
    7 option 1st

  3. Aayush Aggarwal

    1-option 4
    2-option 2
    3-option 3
    4-option 2
    5-option 3
    6-option 1
    7-option 1

  4. 1. option 4
    2. Option 2
    3. Option 3
    4. Option 2
    5. Option 3
    6. Option1
    7. Option 1

  5. Akhil Aggarwal

    1-option 4
    2-option 2
    3-option 3
    4-option 2
    5-option 3
    6-option 1
    7-option 1

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