last non zero digit

At every step in life, we face diverse problems. They may be related to our family, health, education, career and much more. There can be no one who says that I never had a problem. Srimad Bhagwatam [10.14.58] says ‘padam padam yad vipadam’ which means that at every step in life we face problems. Now how to eradicate our problems is the biggest problem. One thing is sure that we cannot escape the discomfort created because of the problems of life. So the wiser advice will be to find out the root cause of our problems and try to kill it. And remember, we must help each other by solving each other’s problems. That makes life smoother. You get dependable and caring friends which you’d like to carry along throughout life.

Coming back to our math worries, many students have repeatedly asked us to create a Quant corner where we can post our (beautiful) solutions to beautiful math problems and discuss some small concepts. So here we are! This place is open for discussions as that is the best way of learning. So let’s start today’s mathematical extravaganza.


last non zero digit


last non zero digit
last non zero digit
last non zero digit
last non zero digit


Last non zero digit

Last non zero digit


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