Quant Question Of The Day: 202
x as a percentage of y is equal to y as a percentage of (x+y). Find y as a percentage of (x+y).
- 50%
- 66.6%
- 62%
- 33.33%
x as a percentage of y is equal to y as a percentage of (x+y). Find y as a percentage of (x+y).
Sol : 62% x/y = x/(x+y) let’s take x/y = a so now a= 1(1+a) solving this a =[-1+root(5)]/2 = 0.62 hence x as percentage of y is 62%. Hence y as percentage of (x+y) is also 62%
why have we taken x as a percentage of (x+y) instead of y as a percentage of (x+y)? Or is there any other way to solve this question ?
Hi Riya
X as percentage of Y is same as Y as percentage of (x+y)