

A 10 × 10 table is formed by repeating the same number on diagonal as shown Find the sum of all numbers in the table. 

Solve our previous ‘questions of the day’

1.Quant Question Of The Day: 25
2. Quant Question Of The Day: 24


  1. TG.Prabhat

    Used formula for sum of squares of first 10 natural numbers, and computed the total for the remaining numbers.

  2. How does one come to know that the average of all the numbers in the grid is 10?

    1. Hello Shubhra!

      The sum of the bottom right corner and the top left corner is 1 + 19 = 20 , Average 20/2 = 10 .

      Similarly , (2 + 18)/2 = 10 , ( 3 + 17)/2…. and so on .

      Hence , 10 x 100= 1000 .

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