


The largest prime factor of 999991 is 9TG, Find the sum of the digits  T and G ?

A. 16
B. 18
C. 17
D. None of these

Solve our previous ‘questions of the day’


Quant Question Of The Day: 42
Quant Question Of The Day: 41



  1. 17×59×997
    Answer is 16
    (What is the shortest way to solve this as I tried a complicated method.
    I directly divided this by the largest 3 digit prime number i.e, 997 and got the result)

    1. We can write 999991 as difference of two perfect squares ,

      999991 = 1000000 – 9 = 1000² – 3² = (1000 – 3 ) ( 1000 + 3 )

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