CR- Inference Question

Q. While innumerable measures have been taken to nip drug abuse in the bud, success seems elusive. Youngsters indulge in drugs to get away from the ‘here’. If we can find ways to make the ‘here and now’ better, drug abuse will surely and steadily decline.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. Reducing the availability of hallucinogenic drugs, which enable the user to escape reality, will lead to a sure and steady decline in drug abuse.

B. The innumerable measures that have been taken to nip drug abuse in the bud have included only a few ways that make the ‘here and now’ better for youngsters.

C. Unless drug abuse declines surely and steadily, we mustn’t have found ways to make the ‘here and now’ better.

D. If the cause behind drug abuse is neutralized, the phenomenon might decline surely and steadily.


See our previous ‘Questions of the Day’:

Verbal Question of the Day: 7

Quant Question Of The Day : 11


  1. TG.Prabhat

    The answer is C.


    A. ‘The availability of hallucinogenic drugs’ is a foreign variable.

    B. This cannot be derived from the passage. In fact, if this had been the case, success at reducing drug abuse may have been achieved.

    C. This is the answer. ‘Not A unless B’ is derived from ‘If not B, then not A’ or ‘If A, then B’ i.e. ‘If we can find ways to make the ‘here and now’ better, drug abuse will surely and steadily decline’.

    D. This contradicts the passage. ‘If the cause behind drug abuse is neutralized, it will decline surely and steadily’ would be appropriate.

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